Hey everybody! Hope you’re all doing fantastic! Today is the
first Wednesday of a new month so it’s time again for another IWSG. :D
The Insecure Writer’s Support Group is a wonderful place where writers can share their worries and failures as well as their successes and advice. Led by our fearless leader Alex J. Cavanaugh, IWSG meets the first Wednesday of every month and you can join on his site here. There's also a brand new website now so be sure to check it out here.
So I’ve been working hard on a couple of pieces lately, one
being my novel assignment for the Institute of Children’s Literature and the
other being a short contest piece for the Central Oregon Writer’s Guild’s Annual Contest (which just opened up state wide! :D Woohoo!). They’re both
coming along great and I’m really excited about both, but they both also have
some upcoming deadlines. The first third of my novel’s rough draft is due in a week
or so and my contest piece is due on the first of September. I’ve almost got my
novel’s first third done and I’m really close to having my contest piece fully
written out, but the editing process is going to take a while. I’ve been having
a bit of difficulty switching back and forth between the two; I get focused and
then I have to switch back to the other piece. When you’re working on multiple
pieces, how do you juggle them? Do you have a system that helps you better
manage your time? Let me know in the comments below and thanks for stopping by!
^^ :D