Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June 2013 IWSG

Hey everyone. Happy June! I still can’t believe May is over and June is here. And being that today is the first Wednesday of the month it’s time again for IWSG, which is hosted by the amazing Alex J. Cavanaugh so be sure to check out his site and say hello.

So yesterday I joined a brand new critique group. I loved the group I was in before and they gave me great feedback, but after I started at my new job, my full time schedule did not allow me the time I needed to meet with them during the day and thus I have been without a group for about six months. Well just yesterday I met with a great group of gals forming a new group and I’m proud to say, I have a critique group again!!! XD The only problem is that it’s been sooo long and I’ve been sooo out of practice critiquing that I find it hard to articulate what it is I want to say. What do you find helps the most when starting a new group?
The Insecure Writer’s Support Group is a wonderful place where writers can share their worries and failures as well as their successes and advice. You can view the list and join the group on Alex's site here.

Happy Writing! ^^ :D


  1. Welcome to the IWSG and congrats on finding a critique group. I hope they work out for you. :)

    IWSG co-host
    Laura Eno – A Shift in Dimensions

    1. Thank you very much! So far they are a great group of people to work with and we're making some great progress! ^^ :D

  2. Good for you! Writing groups are encouraging and lots of fun.

    1. They so are! I love getting to really dig into pieces and get some good discussions going. ^^

  3. I have to take time to think about things when I beta or crit. The time I tried an in-person group, it didn't work for me. (The author would hand out copies, read their pages out loud, and then we'd go around the circle and comment.) I can't crit that fast!

    I personally prefer critting online, via email, using TrackChanges.

    I guess the thing to do is: don't try to mark/comment on every little detail. Make a note in the margin at places that either have a significant problem or, for some reason, strike you as very well done, then comment on those parts when it's your turn.

    As far as articulating what you want to say - maybe jot a few standard comments/topics on a little cheat sheet for yourself (e.g. world building, description, transition, visceral reaction, pacing, dialogue...stilted or not, etc.). That way you'll have jargon at the ready to help you put your thoughts into words. Good luck!

    IWSG #123, until Alex culls the list again. :)

    1. Thank you Melissa! We do meet in person and I greatly appreciate your comments about a cheat sheet. I have made good use of them and they help immensely! ^^ Thank you!

  4. I try to get feedback from other members, and see if we're all on the same "page". Are you meeting in person, or just online? It's better in person, though, of course that might mean some travel. But it's always nice to see a "face" behind the "words". :)

    Hope the group works out for you!

    1. Thank you Miss Mae! We meet in person which is great because I don't think I'd do very well without getting a better sense of the person by meeting them first. It's very helpful when you can compare and see how each critique compares and what different people picked up on as they worked on it. :)
