Friday, March 28, 2014

Gotta love that Aftershock

Do you ever get that feeling after reading a particularly good book, that if you don’t move, you’ll absolutely explode??? That if you remain sitting for just one more second, you’ll absolutely pass out from the sheer epic-ness? I just finished reading The Assassin’s Blade by Sarah J. Maas and there are no words. What an amazing read that leads into a spectacular series. I think I’ve been slowly picked apart and pieced back together. And I loved it!!! This. This is why I decided to become a writer. Because books can so utterly move you and in one fell swoop, utterly destroy you. And without even realizing it, they can pick you up, dust you off and put you back together. I ran across a video a year or so ago that I think absolutely nails it on the head. Enjoy! ^^



  1. Hey lady! It was great meeting you the other night! I just got around to checking out your blog and I have to say, you seem like a very talented wordsmith!! I get it too, I just finished Wild last night and in the end, I cried and went to bed with a feeling of epic peace on my heart.... It was so beautiful. Have you read that book?

    Anyway, great to connect.

    Have a wonderful day,

    1. Hi Lindsey! I'm so glad you stopped by! It was great meeting you too! Thank you! ^^ I haven't read Wild, but it sounds really good! I love/hate it when books make me cry. :) But when they do, you know they really resonated! ^^ :D

      I hope you have a wonderful day too!

      Thanks for stopping by. :D

  2. That sounds like an amazing book. I'll have to check it out.

    1. It was! I could hardly put it down. ^^ :D

